Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well, here it goes

I've finally created a public blog. After months of deliberation (I'm pretty indecisive), I have decided to start one. I have a private blog and my friends have been requesting a public one. So, here it is. We'll see how it goes. I keep my thoughts fairly private so putting them out for the public to see is kind of odd to me. I think I'll like it a lot once I get used to it. Enjoy!


  1. Now we can hear all the parenthesis you mumble under your breath!! I am a fan of this.

  2. ditto to anne's comment!

    and i think you'll like it once you get the hang of it! you dont' just have to share thoughts. You can just say what you did that day or write about a favorite memory or tell a story or make up a story or copy/paste lyrics or post pictures. you can do whatever you want Rachel Sims!
